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The Chiropractic adjustment restores proper joint motion which allows for proper nerve communication - the nerves travel from your brain, through your spine to every cell of your body.

Chiropractic is based on the idea that the body can heal itself when given the proper environment, tools & support.
It is about PROACTIVE health, making sure the body is  functioning OPTIMALLY.

Why Chiropractic?

"An amazing Chiropractic experience, I was so relaxed as soon as I walked into her soothing office. I felt so safe in her capable hands. She did a thorough assessment and found structural issues I had been guessing at and now were finally being addressed!"

Karolyn K.

Getting adjusted regularly helps keep your body at its optimal function! Let's face it - the world is full of all forms of stress - physical, chemical & emotional! 

When we cannot fully integrate a stressful experience it can get stuck in the body. Many of us are walking around with tension and stress that has been there since BIRTH! This is what causes SUBLUXATION - the areas that Chiropractors adjust.

Subluxation is a result of being stuck in stress mode. Do you know what the SYMPATHETIC nervous system is? That is our fight-or-flight, protection, run from the tiger part of our brain. When we are in this place we are not in a state of healing. When we get adjusted, it helps restore our body's ability to switch out of stress mode (sympathetics) and into our PARASYMPATHETIC nervous system. This is a state where our body is able to rest, digest, heal, repair, grow, discover, be creative and find ease. 

Adjustments are meant to free up stuck energy in the body so the body has access to all of the intelligence that lies within. 

Wellness care looks different for everybody! Some people chose to get adjusted once a week while others come once a month. It depends on your stress levels - the goal is to keep your body at its maximum function and expression!  

Wellness/Maintenance Care

After you are out of pain, the goal is for your body to unwind the patterns that got you there in the first place! That takes time and consistency. At this stage we can start to space out your adjustments, to ensure that your body can continue to get better function and long term results. 

We will also talk about your lifestyle habits such as diet, movement, mental health and other things that play an important role in your health - as these things all play a part in you being at your best self. 

Corrective Care

Being in pain is THE WORST!

If you start care having one or many symptoms, we will recommend you come more frequently at first. We know that it takes consistent adjustments to help unwind the patterns that are presenting you with pain and dysfunction. 

One adjustment can definitely help, but many adjustments can create lasting change. 

Back and neck pain are often the biggest reasons people think "I need to go see my chiropractor!" Yes, your spine houses your vital nervous system. When we adjust you, we help restore proper motion in your spine, but the bigger picture is allowing the nerves that flow from your brain, through your spine, to every cell of your body to communicate better.

An amazing side effect of Chiropractic is less pain!! Even better, it's better function. Remember - only 20% of those nerves carry feeling. We want 100% of them to work. 

Relief Care

There are three phases to chiropractic care:

Let's work together to RESTORE your body to its

book your initial visit today!

This session is for us to get to know each other, to do an initial exam and to give you (or your child) your first adjustment  (unless we need imaging or other referrals first). 

So, where do we begin? With a first visit!

Bring your baby to Dr. Maria! Dr. Maria provided exceptional care for my newborn daughter, who was struggling with oral ties. Her expertise and gentle approach with babies were evident from the start. She skillfully adjusted my daughter which helped with latching and nursing, ensuring she could build up strength before her tongue tie release procedure. Dr. Maria's compassionate and effective care made a significant difference in our breastfeeding journey and my daughter’s torticollis. Her beautiful head shape and all the tiny blessings in between is all due to this woman’s magical healing hands. I highly recommend Dr. Maria for anyone seeking pediatric chiropractic care, especially for issues related to oral ties. -Emily N.

"I highly recommend Dr. Maria for anyone seeking pediatric chiropractic care"

She has guided me through sports injuries, work stress and the aches and pains from overdoing it in everyday life. Dr. Maria is a healer, an educator and a vital part of my overall health and well being. – Gina W.

"Dr. Maria is a healer, an educator and a vital part of my overall health and well being."

My son first saw Dr. Maria when he was seven weeks old. He was jaundice, colicky, gassy, didn’t sleep much and had terrible reflux. Within hours of his first visit, the jaundice faded completely out of his body. Over the next few weeks of care with Dr. Maria, he became a much more relaxed and happy baby. Dr. Maria noticed that he was possibly tongue tied and referred us to an IBCLC. She confirmed the tongue and lip ties and referred us to a pediatric dentist for oral tie release. We did several weeks of chiropractic care with Dr. Maria then had his ties released. With the help of Dr. Maria, his recovery went very smooth. His body has responded very well and he is happy and thriving now. I highly recommend Dr. Maria! - Kallie M.

She is truly one of a kind Doctor. My experience with her has been nothing but amazing. I have been adjusted by many different chiropractors, and her knowledge and adjusting skills are top notch. She is gentle, but delivers very powerful adjustments, which makes you feel an immediate difference in your mind and body. I highly recommend anybody in the area to get under care with her, you will not regret it! – Cristina A.

"Dr. Maria has such a big and beautiful heart, which radiates in her practice and her adjusting skills."

She saw me during my pregnancy and now sees my newborn and is a baby whisperer! She is so gentle and soft spoken. I could not recommend Dr. Maria more! If you're expecting, have a little one, or just needing help to feel better, come see Dr. Maria, you will thank yourself! – Megan P.

"Dr. Maria is a baby whisperer!"

Her adjustments, exercise videos and suggestions really helped me get unstuck, not only in my spine, but in my life. It’s amazing how holistically connected everything is, and I’m grateful to have a chiropractor on my team that understands this so deeply. Thanks Dr. Maria! She also has an amazing booking system for easily scheduling a session whenever I need one, right from my phone. Nice office with a space to stretch and roll out my back. - Blair B. 

"It’s amazing how holistically connected everything is, and I’m grateful to have a chiropractor on my team that understands this so deeply." 

She helped keep me balanced throughout my pregnancy and now with my newborn, she's been working wonders with my baby's tight latch, jaw, and shoulders. My little girl literally becomes unwound before my eyes in our sessions. It's quite miraculous to witness. – Lauren J.

"Dr. Maria is a dream to work with!"

Dr. Maria helped my body feel better in so many ways during my pregnancy and into postpartum. She’s the most thorough chiropractor I’ve worked with and has a wide range of techniques. She helped solve some major discomfort happening during the third trimester of pregnancy and that work contributed to a smooth and positive labor and delivery. And then she came to my aid in the early days of postpartum and helped correct sciatica and back pain. Thank you Dr. Maria! -Aletheia Z

"She’s the most thorough chiropractor I’ve worked with"

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